Takamado Princess Attends Boat Race

On Sunday, Princess Hisako of Takamado fullfilled her role as Honorary President of the Japan Sea Cadet Federation by attending a cutter boat race held by the organization in Tokyo. For the event, she wore a light straw hat with open weave detail on the brim and top of the crown. It’s a lovely detail that works so well with the hat, which was made of cream straw woven in a linear pattern. I particularly like the open weave paired with the upturned edge of the hat’s brim. It’s quite a smart hat on Hisako, isn’t it?

Princess Hisako of Takamado, August 2, 2015 | Royal Hats   Princess Hisako of Takamado, August 2, 2015 | Royal Hats

Photos from FNN News 

10 thoughts on “Takamado Princess Attends Boat Race

  1. When I first saw the hat, I thought, an air conditioned hat for a hot humid day, and I love this hat. What a very pretty hat, I really like the open weave, this is the detail on the hat and as such this hat is not over powering the person wearing it. This hat is dainty and delicate and just perfect for this princess. Some hats mostly in Europe that are worn by royal ladies, the hats over power the woman and it wears her, she isn’t wearing the hat. I hope I am making sense here. In all, a great hat in pink or white or cream………just a darn pretty hat and I wish it were mine for I can see me in it all the time. Thank You Hat Queen for this gorgeous hat!

  2. My only complaint is I don’t like the open weave at the top of the crown. I know the actual color of this hat isn’t the light pink it seems to be, but I wish it was because it is a great color for Hisako. Overall, a great hat!

  3. Is it just my screen, or does everything look a shade of pink in these pictures? This lead me to believe the hat is actually white which suits its style better. It has a nice rim.

    • I agree with what Gottfried says: August 5, 2015 at 5:38 pm. The hat and coat looks pink. It’s a great hat and I like it in pink, but if it is truly cream that would be a 100% score in my eyes.

    • It looks pink. I’m always to see Hisako being covered here. She always seems so happy and interested, and looks wonderful. She’s one of my favorites.

  4. I love Princess Hisako’s hat, especially the open weave detail, and I wish I owned it myself. This is proof you don’t necessarily need a lot of trim to make a hat look good.

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